Documents required for trademark registration

Trademark registration is a fundamental instrument through which a brand can be shielded from undesirable use and encroachment. The Indian Government has worked on the trademark registration measure. The Business people can now effectively acquire trademark registration for their brands inside a couple of months. In this article, we take a gander at the records required for acquiring trademark registration in India. Documents Required for Trademark Registration in Salem is what we are going to be discussed in this article.


Note: During the trademark application measure, there is no necessity for submitting unique reports. Output copy of the first report would get the job done the necessity.

Getting a trademark enlisted is a lot less difficult interaction contrasted with other scholarly properties

Trademarks distinguish items that have a place with a particular organization, and all the while, perceive the organization as the proprietor of the item. Trademarks for the most part are badges, words or images that address an item and separates it from different results of its sort. Enrolling trademarks assists with ensuring the altruism worked under the brand or brand name.

In India, ensuring trademarks under the Trademarks Demonstration of 1999 is an unquestionable requirement. Present a couple of reports while enrolling a trademark.

Here is a rundown of the multitude of records required for trademark registration.

Application form

Most importantly, a properly filled application form should be submitted. Candidates need to guarantee that the form is filled, particularly every one of the compulsory segments so the evaluator thinks about the applied trademark.

Character, address and ethnicity verification records

Kindly be aware of personality records. Submit personality, address and ethnicity evidence authentication alongside the application form. In the event of trademark registration for an organization, outfit records supporting the country in which the organization is enlisted, referencing the total enrolled address. Also, in case it is for enlisting a trademark for a partnership concern, give the ID, address and ethnicity evidence archives of the relative multitude of accomplices.

Labor and products for registration

Quite possibly the most indispensable document required for trademark recording is the one containing the rundown of the multitude of labor and products for trademark registration. In the event of uncommon administrations or meaning to sell some particular merchandise, record trademarks for something similar.

Trademark substance reports and delicate copy of the trademark

By and large, people who own the image can petition for a trademark under their name. For example, style architects can have their name trademarked as a brand. Such records are known as trademark element archives. Regardless of whether you are an individual, a little venture or even a beginning up, you can get a trademark enrolled under your picked image name.

Alongside the element archive, you should likewise give a delicate copy of the trademark you should be enrolled.

Subtleties of uses recorded in different nations

In the event of a trademark application in some other nation, present that application archive alongside the records required for trademark registration in India. Furthermore, give an ensured need report or an appropriately authenticated copy of something very similar with the Trademarks Office in unique inside two months of recording the trademark application. On the off chance that this testament is in some other language, submit it in the wake of making an interpretation of it into English.

Reports supporting the utilization of the trademark

One more report required for trademark registration is the utilization record for example a report that upholds the first utilization of the trademark in Quite a while. This is material on the off chance that you’ve utilized the brand, items or administrations, prior to enlisting the trademark formally. In such a circumstance, you need to give a testimony vouching for such use notwithstanding the supporting reports.

Legitimate cycle for specialists

If there should be an occurrence of securing the administrations of a specialist for the trademark registration measure, enroll the specialist as force of lawyer. Present an archive expressing the said individual as force of lawyer.

According to the licensed innovation laws in India, there is no order that you should enroll a trademark. Regardless of whether the candidate rules against enlisting a trademark, the option to record a legitimate argument against an individual or organization endeavoring to utilize your image name without authorization is took into account candidates. Yet, since the course of trademark registrations is very straightforward when contrasted with other scholarly properties that need registration like licenses, utility plans and topographical signs, it is ideal to get the trademark enlisted by presenting the required records for trademark registration.

Individual and Sole Ownership

Any individual – Indian Public or Far off Public can undoubtedly enroll a trademark in India. There is no prerequisite for forming a legitimate substance or business element to enlist a trademark. Further, the archives required to enroll a trademark for the sake of an ownership are equivalent to that of a person as under:

Copy of the logo, ideally in dark and white (Discretionary). On the off chance that the logo isn’t given, the trademark application can be petitioned for the word.

Marked Form-48. Form-48 is an authorization from the candidate to a Trademark Lawyer for documenting the trademark application on his/her sake.

Personality Verification of the individual or Owner.

Address Evidence of the individual or Owner.

Partnership/LLP/Organization – Little Undertaking or Startup

The trademark registration charge fluctuates from Rs.4500 to Rs.9500. For little undertakings, new businesses, ownerships and people, the lower trademark charge of Rs.4500 is appropriate. For any remaining substances, the trademark government charge appropriate is Rs.9500. To be delegated a little undertaking, the candidate would need to give Udyog Aadhar registration testament. Further, notwithstanding the Udyog Aadhar registration, the accompanying subtleties would be required.


On account of a partnership firm or LLP, the business person would need to present the accompanying:

Copy of Logo (Discretionary)

Marked Form-48.

Udyog Aadhar Registration Testament.

Consolidation Endorsement or Partnership Deed.

Personality Verification of Signatory.

Address Verification of Signatory.

Different Candidates

Any remaining candidates, including organizations that don’t have Udyog Aadhar registration, should present the accompanying archives to acquire trademark registration in India.

Copy of Logo (Discretionary)

Marked Form-48.

Consolidation Endorsement or Partnership Deed.

Personality Verification of Signatory.

Address Verification of Signatory.